Scagliola is a barque art form dating back to 17th century Europe. One young Master Craftsmen - Oscar Urruella Sacristà n is reviving this traditional art form through experimentation and adaptation. Through his international Scagliola Art Workshops he is showing his students how to take traditional techniques and breathe new life into them. Oscar believes that as adults we increasingly forget our intinctive creative nature. With his gentle encouragement students learn to take these simple ingredients and turn them into unique art pieces.
From Italy to Germany & beyond, palaces, churches, and grand homes were ornamented with Sacgliola. Historically two main styles were dominant. The first a faux marble technique that mimics the streaky appearance of marble. The second an intricate and often complex form of inlay work.
The popularity of Scagliola at the time is often credited to its relative economy in comparison to real marble. The technique also allowed for a broader colour palette than that achievable with natural stone.